Thursday, October 8, 2009

Third time lucky

I was chatting to my sister today. She had a baby in May. Forgetting my own advice to take things slow, (see previous blog) I had descended on her when said baby was a week old. I brought with me a veritable sack of cloth nappies. Prefolds, muslins, shaped, one-size, two-size, pockets, fleece wraps, wool wraps, poppers, aplix... you name it. Using my own screaming five-month old as a model, I ranted at her about washing, wicking, airing, soaking, lining... you get the picture. Then, like a mad whirlwind I was gone. No wonder the poor girl gave up after a full day of leaky nappies and gave me back my nappies.

Undeterred, I sent her 12 Kushies Ultra All-In-Ones, via my mom. She tried those, but her little heavy-wetter just got soaked. I told her to hang on to them "till the next time you see me."

And now, to my utter delight, she decided to give them another go. And, third time around, success! The thing is, at 5 months old, they fit him better. All to do with skinny thighs versus chubby thighs. Following my advice, she uses home-made fleece liners. And that's it. She went to Dublin yesterday and used disposables for the trick. She said they leaked more than the Kushies. Yay! So, today's message is, dont give up! Keep trying and you'll find something to suit you. Kushies suit my sister and her baby. Easy to use, they fit right, no nappy rash and they look cute! I've just popped another 6 in the post for her, because she line-dries and the weather these days is awful! Lucky she has such a caring big sister!

So, if you bought a pile of nappies, with high hopes and good intentions, and they just leaked everywhere, don't throw them out just yet. Your baby might just need to grow into them. Put them away for a few weeks and try them again when you're feeling braver. You might just fall in love with them. And if you don't, I guarantee there's a nappy out there that will be perfect.

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